To Pick Oneself Up and Go

murmurings have moved;
greener, milkier pastures.


tussle with time, you
salty minx; creamy, crusty,
classical diehard.

Cutty's on Urbanspoon

Naked Pizza

lo! greens in 4D.
simple circles move swiftly.
future; extra cheese.

Naked Pizza on Urbanspoon

51 Lincoln

butter your tins, they
once clucked; you, impish moppet,
would use lard instead

51 Lincoln on Urbanspoon


flurry of spoons, like
angelic vultures of want
(cake, the devil's work)

Lüke on Urbanspoon

Harmon's BBQ

crusty, smoky veil;
slow seduction, quickly bit
tooth to nail to bone

Harmon's BBQ on Urbanspoon

Square Burger

sadly, ev'ry great
sandwich must come to an end...
oh HEEEY, fried pickle!

Square Burger on Urbanspoon